The Nonlinear Systems Lab (NSL)

NSL equipment:

  • Assorted fixed-wing, multirotor, and hybrid aircraft
  • Assorted avionics systems (autopilots, air data units, visual sensors, etc.)
  • Two Inertial Labs RESEPI units w/ Lidar
  • Additive and reductive manufacturing equipment


A variety of multirotor aircraft are used for flight dynamics and control research within the NSL.

3DR Solo
A variety of multirotor aircraft are used for flight dynamics and control research within the NSL.

The small, fixed-wing eSPAARO uncrewed aircraft can carry a 10 lb payload for 45 minutes.

eSPAARO Unmanned Aircraft
The small, fixed-wing eSPAARO uncrewed aircraft can carry a 10 lb payload for 45 minutes.

A more complete list of facilities available within the Crofton Department of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering can be found here: