
Dr. Farhood

Mazen Farhood


Dr. Farhood's research interests include cooperative control in complex environments, model reduction and computational tractability, and obstacle-sensitive trajectory regulation.

Dr. Sultan

Cornel Sultan


Dr. Sultan's research interests include rotorcraft dynamics and control; prestressable structures, membranes, and thin structures; energy harvesting; and single- or multi-vehicle trajectory generation and coordination.

Dr. Woolsey

Craig Woolsey


Dr. Woolsey's research interests include nonlinear control theory, particularly energy-based methods, and the dynamics and control of atmospheric and ocean vehicles.

Doctoral Students


Jeremy Hopwood

Ph.D. Candidate (Expected graduation: 2025)

My research focuses on wind inference using fixed-wing unmanned aircraft. I am advised by Dr. Craig Woolsey. 


Dennis Marquis

Ph.D. Candidate (Expected graduation: 2025)

My research concerns the visual detection and tracking of low-flying aircraft using one or more airborne sensing systems. I am advised by Dr. Mazen Farhood. 


Sourav Sinha

Ph.D. Candidate (Expected graduation: 2025)

My research concerns cooperative control and uncertainty modeling for robustness analysis. I am advised by Dr. Mazen Farhood. 


Ian Willebeek-LeMair

Ph.D. Candidate (Expected graduation: 2027)

My research focuses on nonlinear flight control. I am advised by Dr. Craig Woolsey. 


Mohamed Zakaria

Ph.D. Candidate (Expected graduation: 2025)

My research focuses on developing control laws for multi-body mechanical systems, including multi-body aircraft. I am co-advised by Dr. Shane Ross and Dr. Craig Woolsey. 

Undergraduate Students

At any time, the Nonlinear Systems Lab typically engages around a half-dozen undergraduate research assistants in ongoing research activities. Most often, these undergraduate researchers support computational or experimental work, either as volunteers or for undergraduate research credit. NSL undergraduate research alumnae and alumni have gone on to work in industry and civil service, to serve in the military, and to pursue graduate degrees at Virginia Tech and elsewhere.

Graduate Alumnae and Alumni & Visiting Students


  • Dany Abou Jaoude, 2018
  • Zakia Ahmed, 2024
  • David Allen, 2016
  • Ony Arifianto, 2014
  • Brad Atkins, 2014
  • Tom Battista, 2018
  • Ying-Chun Chen, 2023
  • Chris Cotting, 2010
  • Amanda Young Dippold, 2009
  • Jean-Michel Fahmi, 2022
  • Ipar Ferhat, 2015
  • Micah Fry, 2019
  • Chris Gahan, 2024
  • Javier Gonzalez-Rocha, 2020
  • James Gresham, 2022
  • David Grymin, 2013
  • Eddie Hale, 2016
  • Mekonen Halefom, 2024
  • Seyong Jung, 2020
  • Changkoo Kang, 2021
  • Robert Kraus, 2010
  • Nina Mahmoudian, 2009
  • Hunter McClelland, 2019
  • Craig Morris, 2014
  • Devaprakash Muniraj, 2019
  • Tri D. Ngo, 2016
  • Tugrul Oktay, 2012
  • Mark Palframan, 2016
  • Chevva Konda Reddy, 2005
  • Praneeth Sudalagunta Reddy, 2016
  • Maria Rye, 2017
  • Nazmus Sakib, 2024
  • Benjamin Simmons, 2023
  • Christian Sonnenburg, 2012
  • Sevak Tahmasian, 2015
  • Laszlo Techy, 2009
  • Artur Wolek, 2015
  • Shu Yang, 2016

M.S. with Thesis

  • Tyler Aarons, 2011
  • David Allen, 2014
  • Kevin Antcliff, 2014
  • Meghan Burns, 2018
  • Kendy Edmonds, 2021
  • Ryan Fisher, 2022
  • Jeffrey Garnand-Royo, 2013
  • Jesse Geisbert, 2007
  • Tejaswi Gode, 2015
  • Kyle Guthrie, 2013
  • Mekonen Halefom, 2020
  • Griffin Hyde, 2019
  • Changkoo Kang, 2017
  • Chris Kevorkian, 2016
  • Amy Linklater, 2005
  • Michael Morrow, 2005
  • Justin Murtha, 2009
  • Charles Neas, 2010
  • Khanh Nguyen, 2021
  • Chris Nickell, 2005
  • Mark Palframan, 2013
  • Alberto Post, 2021
  • Christopher Rogers, 2010
  • Eric Schuch, 2004
  • Chris Schultz, 2006
  • Poorva Shukla, 2017
  • Ben Simmons, 2018

Visiting Students

  • Arun Das
  • Shuangshuang Fan
  • Holger Schmidt
  • Gijs van der Veen